2016.4.14-17 横浜
第75回日本医学放射線学会総会(9名 106,620円)
Lamid-Ochir Oyunbold
演題名: Early prediction of therapeutic effect of cyroablation using bioluminescence image: An experimental study. -
Ryan Yudistiro
演題名: Semiquantitative parameters of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and 111In-Ibritumomab tiuxetan scinti -
Gu Wenchao
演題名: Evaluation of new PET tracer of fluorine-18 labeled peptide targeting GPC3 for imaging Hepatocellular carcinoma -
=参加= Achmad Adhipatria Kartamiharadja・Nguyen Thu Huong・Zhang Xiexi・Enkhjargal Manduul・Tran Vu Qnynh Vy・Suman Shrestha